Feliz Cumpleaños, Hermana Acevedo! And Happy Father´s Day, Dad!

Happy belated Father´s Day, Dad! I hope you had an awesome day and ate a lot of cake.
Guess what? TODAY IS HERMANA ACEVEDO´S B IRTHDAY! So what does that mean? WE´RE GONNA EAT A LOT OF YUMMY CAKE!!! I´m so excited. I love Bolivian cake. It´s the best.
We had a bunch of interesting experiences this past week. We did a lot of contacting and in total, found 13 new investigators.  two times this week, we knocked on the door of someone and a middle-aged man answered…in a towel! This happened two different times and with two different people  and we just happened to knock on their doors as they were leaving the shower. It was kind of awkward both times.
I had the opportunity to act as a translator for one of our investigators this week. This family is starting their own business where they make roofing for houses, but they needed help ordering their machines from china. The only person they could speak with china only spoke   english and chinese, and I happen to speak english, so they act me to help them order their stuff. It was pretty interesting to say the least, because I don´t really know business words in spanish or english, and  this chinese marketer doesn´t really know english 100%, so i had to translate his chinglish to english, then  my english to spanish, then vice versa. In then end though, it all  ended up working out, so that´s good!
I hope you all enjoy your summer weather because  winter in Bolivia starts TODAY and it is COLD. Count your blessings and read your scriptures.
Hermana Ius

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